My Health Journey NOTE: From time to time there will be a post from someone in our congregation that helps us toward being healthier people in all aspects of...
Pro-Parenting Tip #1 I wish I could take credit for this idea, but I can’t. That’s fine because getting credit isn’t the goal. Children who love Jesus...
A Year in Review At the end of each year, I like assessing and reflecting on the year. I think this is a natural thing that a lot of us do as we think about...
God With Us One of the texts our church choir sang on Sunday was “The Hands That First Held Mary’s Child.” This Thomas Troeger poem, along with...
A Carol for the Depressed “…Let nothing you dismay. Remember Christ our Savior was born on Christmas Day” You recognize it? I’m sure you do (it’s in the...
Back To Hurry I think most of us feel the busyness of life ratchet up a couple notches once Thanksgiving hits. We enjoy the time of year for sure but we...
Seasons Sometimes the most obvious things are the most necessary things. Its kind of like when I go to the dentist and they give me that free...
Adopted as God’s Children Have you ever had the chance to watch one of those emotional social media videos of a family adopting a child into their family? Typically,...
How is God Working in Your Life? If you’ve been around long enough in church, you’ve probably had someone ask you the following question: “How is God working in your...